Agricultural overalls - protection above all else! In recent years, the scale of agricultural production has become higher on a global level. This industry is associated with numerous risk factors that can potentially be harmful to the health of employees, so protective clothing is required. Our company is ready to offer you a different range of special clothing for workers of various professional groups. It is distinguished from ordinary clothes by a higher operational resource, ability to bear frequent washing or disinfection, convenience and comfort, as well as resistance to various aggressive influences. Clothing for workers in hazardous and harmful enterprises is designed primarily to reduce the risk of injury. The set may also include specialized footwear, personal protective equipment for the organs of sight, smell and hearing. The absence of overalls when working at such enterprises is a serious violation of the law. Remember, that agricultural clothing cannot be one-size-fits-all, as there are potential hazards in every field. Why exactly we? Cooperation with us will bring a number of benefits for your business: Huge selection of uniforms for different specialties in particular for agricultural operations. In our company you can buy uniforms for all employees of the company. QUALITY OF TAILORING. The trust of our customers is important to us, so we carefully select suppliers and control production; TRULY INDIVIDUAL ATTITUDE. We are ready to advise you on any questions you may have. In addition, you can order overalls according to your sketch or have us develop an individual design and apply your corporate logo. We offer only quality imported specialized products, so we guarantee a long service life. Rest assured that we have everything you need for comfortable agricultural work!



Cereals are a product used in the production of bread, bakery products and cereals. In addition, they are used to produce concentrated and coarse fodder, which is used in animal husbandry. There are several types of cereal crops: - cereals - a group that includes bread varieties of plants (wheat, oats, barley, rye, corn, rice, millet, rapeseed); - legumes (peas, beans, soybeans); - buckwheat (buckwheat). Oilseeds. The group of oilseeds includes plants, seeds and fruits containing from 20 to 60% of fat. They are the raw material for obtaining vegetable oils. This group includes representatives of various families and botanical species. Popular oilseed crops:

  • Sunflower. It occupies the first place among oilseed crops. Sunflower oil is used in every kitchen, it emphasizes and improves the flavor of dishes. Therefore, the demand for it is only growing. Sunflower oil is refined and unrefined, depending on the level of purification. As for vitamins, sunflower oil contains most of them, especially vitamins E (a natural antioxidant), A, D, and F;
  • Soybeans. A plant from which you can make almost anything. It is a substitute for fatty protein. Soybean oil is an ecologically pure natural product, which, if regularly present in the human diet, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the entire body.
  • Pumpkin. The processing of oilseeds also involves the production of pumpkin seed oil. In Europe, it is called "green gold". Cooking, medicine, cosmetology - this is not a complete list of applications of this product. Pumpkin seed oil contains a number of vitamins, Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocophenol, flavonoids, phospholipids, antioxidants;
  • Corn. Corn germ oil is worthy of use not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. One of the main advantages of corn oil - high content of vitamin E - twice as much as in olive or sunflower oil. Thanks to this corn oil contributes to the normal functioning of the endocrine system, especially the sex glands, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, prevents the development of muscle weakness and fatigue.
  • Rapeseed. Rapeseed oil contains Omega-3 and other useful elements unlike sunflower oil. Earlier it was used only in technical spheres.
  • Flax. Flax seeds and oil are very popular in medicine and cosmetology. Application of oil and the use of seeds normalize the work of the stomach and intestines.



You can buy agricultural machinery for a wide variety of applications:

  • for soil tillage. This is the most extensive group of agricultural equipment we offer: harrows, cultivators, deep looseners, plows, rollers, tedders, chisels and tillage machines;
  • for sowing. The high precision of this group of equipment helps to carry out sowing work within the clearly defined framework of agro-technology;
  • for harvesting. Harvesters and storage bins help you to quickly harvest soybeans, corn, canola and sunflowers;
  • for fertilizer application. This group of machines helps to apply organic and mineral fertilizers, ensuring high quality and effective results;
  • for transportation. With our tractor trailers, semi-trailers and water transport units you can transport your harvest quickly and comfortably;
  • for product processing. Our agricultural machinery catalog offers presses and complete oil production plants.

As well as our company offers a wide range of spare parts for agricultural machinery, which are always available. Catalog can be requested by mail Our company is not only engaged in agricultural equipment. We also offer to your attention: garden and agricultural tools and equipment. Here you can find:

  • Garden rakes;
  • Hoes, hoes and cultivators for gardening;
  • Gardening hand carts;
  • Small tools for soil cultivation;
  • Gardening watering cans;
  • Sickles, pruners, loppers gardening;
  • Gardening scissors.

Our website contains always reliable information about new products in the field of agricultural machinery and tools. Some models are only available to order. On request we provide a catalog with current prices and availability.

Greenhouse trade and EQUIPMENT for greenhouses and hothouses.

Greenhouse trade and EQUIPMENT for greenhouses and hothouses.

There is a huge choice of greenhouse constructions in building stores nowadays: of different materials, different shapes, for growing different crops. Sometimes even an experienced gardener finds it difficult to determine which structure is suitable for him. We tell you what they are, where to install them and which materials to choose.


A greenhouse is a stationary building made of a light-permeable dome made of covering material and a frame. During the day, the air inside quickly heats itself and heats the ground, and at night the ground gives back the accumulated heat. Thus, there are no sudden temperature fluctuations, a certain level of humidity is maintained, a favorable microclimate. It also protects plants from unfavorable influences: wind, precipitation, pests - insects and birds, self-seeding weeds. Such buildings are common even in the most fertile regions, where air temperature, humidity, soil composition and other conditions are optimal for growing fruits and flowers.

HOW TO SELECT a greenhouse: main types of greenhouses

Structures can be differentiated according to their use, purpose, or physical characteristics such as shape and materials. The most important questions that determine all other characteristics are "Is the greenhouse needed all year round?" or "What will grow in it?". The main difference is what temperature will be maintained inside, whether there will be additional heating. Three main types are defined: Cold - there is no additional heating. You can grow heat-loving crops (peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers) from spring to fall. Cool - there is a heater with a thermostat that maintains a temperature of about 8 °C during the cold season. This type extends the season by allowing some crops to overwinter. Warm - there is a full heating system for constant operation. It is possible to grow any crops all year round. Another classification - depending on what will be grown in them: Vegetable, Sprouting, Floral. You can choose the parameters by answering a few questions: what crops you are going to grow in what quantity, how freely you need to move around on it. It is important to take into account the climatic features of the region - depending on them, the choice can be narrowed down.


There are not many basic variants, but they have subspecies that define additional conditions: Single slope Can be freestanding or attached to buildings or a slope with a leveled edge on the south or west side. The extension saves on building materials and the building wall additionally concentrates and then transfers heat. Single-slope freestanding greenhouses receive a lot of light, so they are suitable for light-loving crops: tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, watermelons. For the attached type, additional lighting is required. Gabled Convenient to use - spacious, with access to all areas. Snow can be easily rolled off the roof. Lighting, as well as heating of plants is even, the gable ceiling allows you to grow tall crops on both sides, as well as low trees. For sun-loving tomatoes, peppers, melons, gable are also suitable. Of the disadvantages - more complicated than single-slope, installation. But it is easy to organize ventilation by means of shutters on the slopes. Arched The lightest, easiest to install structure if PVC pipes are used. The absence of sharp corners combined with a small area of reflective surfaces saves covering material, increases light penetration, resistance to wind load, provides easy snow fall. Condensation runs off into the ground and does not drip onto the plants. Drop-shaped Because of their graceful appearance, they are often used for flowers. The shape allows condensation to escape into the ground along the walls. The drop vault is particularly effective in northern regions - it prevents snow from lingering on the roof. Polygonal The entire space is uniformly illuminated at all times. The entire space is accessible from the center, but it has less usable volume than rectangular ones. Warm air accumulates mainly in the corners. Installation is expensive and complicated. Mitleider construction The gable ends are located at different levels, differing in slope angles. The design resists strong gusts of wind and any precipitation, and transom windows on the south side effectively ventilate, while protecting plants from hypothermia. To work effectively, the ends should face west and east, and the side walls should face north and south, with the highest wall on the north side.


Only underground structures are subject to strict dimensional requirements. The width must be at least 5 meters. Otherwise, a structure buried 2-2.5 meters underground will not receive enough light. For other types of parameters are determined according to the requests and possibilities of the owner or use standard sizes. The usual width is 3 m, in small areas it can be reduced to 2 m. Optimal length - up to 6 m, but to a greater extent it depends on the owner. Height - 2-2,5 m, in arched - 2,4-2,5 m. The door should be made wide - about 1 m, so that you can drive a garden wheelbarrow. The standard width of the path - 40-45 cm. Under the bed allocate 90 cm, but depending on the crops grown, the width can vary. Thus, 1 square meter can accommodate three or four tomato bushes, peppers, eggplants or five or six cucumber bushes.


The main task of the construction is to maximize the use of solar energy. Therefore, when choosing a location, the following should be taken into account: orientation to the sides of the world, the direction of winds on the plot, the relief, and the level of groundwater.


The frame must resist wind, snow loads, withstand any environmental impact, do not allow distortions or distortions - in short, to be durable, reliable, strong. Therefore, wood, remaining the most affordable option, is significantly inferior to other options, it is not recommended to use. Increased humidity disposes to rot, wood needs constant special treatment, impregnation. Other materials for the frame are more durable: Polypropylene or PVC pipes - durable, resistant to moisture, strong, flexible. The frame is easy to install by simply bending the pipe and then installing it into the supports. PVC pipes are optimal for arched greenhouses. But they are lightweight, so the construction turns out to be unfounded. Metal profile is a strong, reliable material for framing. It is suitable for all types, except arched and drop-shaped. Aluminum profile is lightweight, but it does not succumb to corrosion. Steel profile is better to choose from stainless steel or with an anti-corrosion coating, simple painting will not give long-term protection. Metal pipes are very strong, and structures made of them are heavy and durable. Special tools and skills are needed for installation. But from such pipes it is possible to build an ultra-reliable construction of any parameters. The pipes themselves are protected from moisture, otherwise the frame will rust.


There are not many covering materials at all. The properties of each and the effective scope of application are easy to understand: Polyethylene film is a cheap option that softly diffuses light. However, condensation builds up on it, which can cause disease in plants. The film wears and tears quickly, but there are more durable types available. PVC film can last for several years, and reinforced film (it is even stronger) can withstand frosts down to -7 °C and strong winds. Glass - it has high thermal insulation, is durable, and transmits light perfectly. The main thing - do not allow the rays to fall at right angles, this leads to overheating and burns of plantings. The main disadvantage of glass is the complexity of installation. You need special tools, knowledge, skills. Cellular polycarbonate is stronger than glass, with high thermal insulation properties. It is easy to cut and install, lightweight and flexible. But the pluses are only in dense polycarbonate, so it is especially important to monitor the quality. It is important to remember that any polycarbonate expands when heated, it can not be mounted butt to butt. During installation, it is important to control that the UV protective layer is on the outside. For this purpose, manufacturers label the sheets. Spunbond is a durable non-woven fabric resistant to precipitation and wind gusts. It retains heat well, allows air and partially moisture to pass through, so there will be no sudden temperature and humidity spikes inside. It is important to choose the right density, about 42-60 g/m2. It is better to use a cloth with the index "SUF", which is stabilized against UV radiation. Even the best spunbond will be enough for a few years, then the coating will have to be replaced. Reliable efficient foundations are made of brick or concrete. They are heated during the day, and at night give up heat. However, this is already a monolithic construction - it is better to make it if you will never move the structure.


With the help of additional equipment you can achieve year-round cultivation of vegetables, herbs, flowers and fruits with minimal human involvement. The building can be equipped with an autonomous or connected to the house heating system. The second option is convenient if it is attached to the building. Heating can be made permanent, automated with sensors or turned on independently. Ventilation will work and in the "manual" version, when the owner himself opens the fanlights. But it is better to use automated systems with fans, valves, other systems. Moreover, there is an automatic ventilation without connecting electricity - hydraulic thermal actuators at a change in internal temperature open or close transom windows and doors. There are auto-irrigation and lighting systems to suit any budget, type of building or crops. There are even "smart" greenhouses, when all the equipment is combined into a computer-controlled system without human control. Our company provides a range of greenhouses and various equipment to them. For availability, please call +1 (302)257-1390 or send us an e-mail

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Best In Industry

We don't just aim for one-time projects; we strive to build long-term partnerships. Your success is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to being your trusted ally.

Innovative Solutions

Innovation is at the core of what we do. We thrive on pushing boundaries and finding creative solutions to challenges.

Quality Assurance

Quality is ingrained in everything we do. From the initial concept to the final delivery, we uphold the highest standards.

Client-Centric Approach

Your success is our priority. We take the time to understand your unique goals, challenges, and vision.

About Us

About Us

Agrian Impex LLC (Delaware office) was established in the year 2022 for the purpose of operating a business in the field of agriculture. Agrian Impex LLC is the leading distributor of agricultural products and machinery, greenhouse construction materials and equipment, diesel engines and lawn care equipment and others. To be the first in the world market is our aim! The customer is our priority and their wishes are our laws.

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3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 700, Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware, Zip Code 19808-6192, USA